What Would You Want In A Kerbal Mod Manager For Mac


Without mods, Kerbal Space Program is already an amazing accomplishment—a deep, rewarding sim that captures the majesty and challenge of going to space. Want to mod your copy of Kerbal Space Program, but are confused about where to go, how to start or how to manage the stuff you download off the KSP website? There's an easier way, and it's called the Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network!

It's not so apparent if you haven't gone beyond Mun and Minmus, but once you reach other planets where there is a large delta-V requirement for the return, and hugely moreso when you start thinking about taking off from the surface of higher gravity bodies like Eve. Getting to orbit of Eve is one of the easier interplanetary missions. Landing on Eve is trivial once in orbit. Landing on Eve and getting back again is one of the hardest challenges in the game, because it takes so much fuel to get from the surface of Eve back to Eve orbit.

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Umbra Space Industries Get it: Don’t forget: Umbra’s most famous mod packs are Kolonization Systems and Life Support, a 1-2 punch combo that will definitely have you leaving hundreds of Kerbals to starve to death beneath the ruins of their failed colonies. Unlike most one-off mods, the rocket scientists behind Umbra Space Industries have established a cottage industry of mod packs. They’ve got cranes and magnets in Konstruction!, submarines for charting alien oceanography in the USI Exploration Pack, and high-speed engines in Alcubierre Warp Drive. Almost all of USI’s projects packs are modular, so you can take a few science gizmos here and a couple of engine couplings there as you like. Near Future Technologies Get it: Don’t forget: Near Future’s mods are basically just parts packs, so you still unlock them through the usual R&D programs. Keep farming those science points! It’s easy to get carried away by the siren-song of sci-fi splendor: god damnit, I want warp drive and phasers and I want them now.

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